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End of year comments of Shanxi Yangquan aolisi technology coating Co., Ltd.
发布时间 : 2019-10-30  浏览量 : 1782

Dear friends and family, time flies. 2017 is about to pass, and in a flash we will usher in 2018. Here, I would like to extend new year's greetings to my leaders, friends, classmates and colleagues from all walks of life who have supported me, helped me, cared for me and cared for me in the past year! I also wish all the villagers I know and know all the best and happiness!

2017 has passed and 2018 has come. What I can't keep is the wasted time. What I can't forget is the support and help of my friends, colleagues and family. I cherish the cooperation and support of every friend, classmate, fellow townsman and other people in the same industry that I've walked with. I'm grateful for the support I've given to my relatives and loved ones in the past years and months. I pray that all the people I've known and known are safe and healthy. Happy Kang!

Looking back on 2017, we have gained age, friends, peace, health and happiness, as well as wealth. The past 2017, no matter whether it is rough or smooth, has come to a complete end. Our life will set sail again in 2018. Let all the colleagues of Alice work together with you to create a better future and draw a better blueprint. We are the pioneers and creators of the times. As long as we don't run in vain, don't stand in vain, do every work in a down-to-earth manner, open the way on a mountain and bridge with water, I believe that heaven rewards diligence and our good wishes And the dream will come true! Wish you all a happy New Year's Day!





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